Sunday, February 10, 2008

Two Weeks Old

Our second week was a fussy week for some reason - hopefully the third week will be better. She still prefers to sleep at night on someone so we've taken to sleeping on the couch with her. Pretty much all the precautions I preach to people about preventing SIDS have gone out the window - when it's either sleep on the couch with her on her tummy (both no-nos) or don't sleep at all, it's obvious which wins.

Growing and getting pudgy!

These are actually from this afternoon with my mom
Only rarely do we capture her happy sans pacifier

Yea for sleeping in our crib - doesn't happen very often, especially without being swaddled

Sometimes we like our swing - thanks Aunt Bobbie - and we like watching the dangling stuff, impressive since she doesn't really watch anything else

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