Thursday, March 13, 2008

Buddha Belly!

Seven weeks old tomorrow... We've now stayed home just the two of us for a week or so. Staying up later to spend as much time with Daddy as possible and just sleep later in the morning. Usually she wakes up 2-3 times a night - depends on the night - but definitely (hopefully) getting better. Swaddling isn't working so well anymore cause she's pretty much figured out how to eject those arms pretty quick - and then wakes herself up.
I'm still trying to get myself to leave the house - such a pain knowing she'll want to eat in just a little while. Leaves me like an hour to hour and a half until she wakes up and cries. I went to Walmart (for McDonald's etc :) ), and she lasted through the meal to the back of the store - then she cried until we left. Fun to push around a cart while carrying the baby with one hand -- then I got home and read about how taking the baby out makes them think if they cry they'll get out... so I'll have to be stronger. The real struggle is going to be riding in the car without me in the backseat with her - she's good on the way but usually on the way home she cries cause she's hungry.
She's holding her head up better and pushing up on her elbows to look at you - doesn't really do it laying on the ground but when she's laying on someone and wants to look at them. Started batting at things above her and paying more attention to dangly things. We sat in the floor the other morning and read some books for quite a while - granted it didn't work as well today. Feeling the pressure with that little reading baby after all! She was on the Today show the morning after I had the sign language conversation with Greg - her parents said she knew it... So obviously, it's needed right? :)
Well, some people hope for fat babies cause they're cuter. Here one is! Bath time with Daddy means naked tooshie

Propped up on some pillows - didn't give Mommy enough of a break - only enough to take pics and you woke up!
You would be making this face too if you woke up with hair like this - about time for a hair cut I think...

1 comment:

Allison Horner said...

Yah! Baby smiles!! :)

It's so cute hearing Bobbie use baby talk. :)