Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Life Update

So, this pic has nothing to do with anything, but my MIL pretty much told me she demanded a pic anytime I write anything... Here's a pic from last week. Greg likes to sing the Rocky theme song when he puts on her bunny robe after a bath - which she loves these days! And having conversations with you. And is actually reaching up and whacking her toy bar on her car seat. Still not liking really sitting in the back of the car alone though! Rolling over and scooting all over her crib, finds her fist enough to suck on it in the crib, and took 2 bottles from Me yesterday! Woohoo!!!
On to the important stuff... :)
Had my interview today. Had a phone one last week for a pain clinic and nipped that idea in the butt pretty quickly. Today was the job that I pretty much knew I wanted when they came and talked to us about it in class back in August or something. And today it was mine - I think. They are so desperate that I think they would take anyone as long as they could see patients... What I really mean is that I'm the awesomest bestest candidate out there and they have a huge line out the door of qualified people - oh, and they picked me over a Dr. :)
No really... It's a state run family clinic in Texas City and Galveston (aka "the 4 Cs") for people without insurance/Medicare/caid, sliding scale payment kind of place. It only took me 20 minutes to get there this morning - going the direction away from the traffic. A couple of mornings a week would be in Galveston probably - which I did for years so no biggie there. So I get some kind of salary, full medical and dental, retirement plan, 3 weeks paid vacation, one week sick... and I get to see all ages of patients including kids (which a lot of FP clinics don't have). Lots of lower income families which means I'll be using all that Spanish I pretend to know. And it's a really laid back atmostphere with really nice people. Will probably work until 8PM one night but go in that afternoon at 12 - good to have a morning for baby Dr appts and such. But for the most part a typical 8 to 5 job!
Really, everything I want. They haven't really made an official offer yet, but it's there. I have some paperwork to fill out and am going back next week to shadow the Dr for at least part of the day - just to make sure...
So part of me feels like I have to have more than one interview cause that's what's done... but don't you just know sometimes and not need to bother with it all?
And we went and signed up with the day care we really like too!
See, how it all just plays out perfectly... Don't stress about it, pray about it, and wait for everything to happen like it's supposed to... Seems to work for us at least...
Starting a job in June maybe?


Allison Horner said...

yea!!!! Congrats, chica!!!

We need to celebrate!

Leah said...

I am so glad to hear things are falling into place so nicely! And the job sounds great--one of those jobs where you feel like you are really helping people. Congrats!