Thursday, May 29, 2008

Naked Time!

I was thinking back today of the beet-red picture of my baby on her first bath at home and how everyone thought I scalded my child... Oh, have things have changed. Now, it is a nightly ritual - that is when Greg gets home at a reasonable hour since he is the official bath-giver - something they can do together. And lets face it, he's more fun and dances and sings to her... boring ole Mom. That is, he does if he gets home at a reasonable hour - he just got home and it's 8:50! We decided to hold off on the inflatable bathtub for a little longer since she likes splashing in this one so much more. Gets those waves going! Tell Greg she needs a little pool for the backyard - not to mention how cute would she be in a little bikini with that buddha belly stinking out? :)
Last day of freedom for me tomorrow. Daycare is better - she's smiling when I come in and today she didn't even seem to care that I was there... Just grinning at the daycare owner who came in with me. All good signs I guess. And eating and all normally...
PS: I apologize for my child's nudity (complete) being broadcast... I've been told that may not be completely appropriate... Deal with it, Mom! :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

Glad daycare is getting better! Meghan is sooooo cute--love the bathtub pictures!

Funny you should mention muggy......I expected unbearable mugginess in SF but it wasn't muggy at all. I was pleasantly surprised! And real estate there--EEK, way more expensive than CO! I was looking at homes for sale there, and you can barely get 800 square foot condo for less than $500,000. But it is a lovely place and you really should go someday! I fell in love with it!