Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Give Me My Bottle and Let Me Be!

For some reason, in an attempt to get Meghan to eat happily, I thought we would try feeding her in her activity center - which she has in the last week discovered can bounce! This was an error in many ways... She did stay happier cause she didn't have to pay attention to her daddy and could more easily get away from the food - but when she bounced mid bite and got food in her nose.  And Tobey did like it that she was closer to him and he could be on clean-up duty!

Week two of "Let's eat food" continues with a battle... The first couple of days were actually very agreeable compared to now.  It's like she's figured out what is coming and won't tolerate even two bites before getting tired of the not-so-fun game.  We switched to applesauce and thought that was going better... Greg's mom tried to give her bananas and that went about as well.  I've decided that maybe this is that stubbornness kicking in again... First switching to a bottle... Then trying to start food.  Really though, given the inability of her father to adjust to change of any kind and her grandmother's inability to try new things, I don't think it's her fault!

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