Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Children's Museum

 While enjoying the time off, Daddy went along with Mommy's idea of taking the (all three) kids to the Children's Museum downtown for the first time.  Lesson 1: way too large stroller is not needed and definitely go when littlest baby is only one month old because she will sleep through the whole thing.
 Lesson 2: Bring your food with you because the restaurant is expensive, kids will be hungry, and nice fun places to eat outside if you only plan ahead.  Lesson 3: bring sunscreen because there are lots of fun things to do outside!
 Lesson 4: bring swimsuit because the kids really want to get wet in the water play... and only mean mommies don't let them get sopping wet - dang you, practicality!
 Lesson 5: hard to play in water pipes if you can't get wet! Could have played for a long time if Mommy wasn't so up-tight!
 Lesson 6: lots of things to do - lots more fun if lots of other kids aren't waiting.  Daddy's are fun to explore and pretend fish with in the village.
 Lesson 7: skip everything else and go straight to the pretend town to buy groceries...
 And pick out our fruits and vegetables...
 And even check out at the pretend HEB with a real life computer screen - best done if you can read though!
 And visit the vet's office - all the more meaningful if you have ever gone to the vet with your parents (which Meg and Coop have not). But still fun...
 Especially all the pretend money and dress up clothes, of course!

 And fun to play in the ambulance - but way too many kids make mommies nervous! (Reference back to lesson 6)
Lesson 8: Don't leave the house when you should be resting at home to go to the Children's Museum, followed by the kid birthday party, and all the other things mommies shouldn't be doing yet - no prize for super mom! Why? Because she gets home from the museum, spikes a fever of 103, and feels like dying for several days as she suffers from mastitis! Cuddle this instead :)

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