I was immediately informed that Meg had a booboo on her leg from the shot and was quickly wisked "to potty" so I could see the "tiger" bandaid - aka dare devil. Then we had to go help make supper, help with the guacamole... Singing all the way through supper. Cooper fussing all the way through supper - for some reason very selective on the food willing to eat. Yuck to all meat foods; just the yogurt and the fruit. Milk poured all over the tray. Meg requesting help with her burrito falling apart...
Meg deciding her leg is really hurting her. When asked if ice cream would make her leg better (a promise she had already reminded her Daddy would make her leg feel better), she said she needed "cuddles". To the couch with the ice cream to cuddle with Momma. Of course, wanting to watch Little Mermaid - thankfully no :) ... Stubborn little child insisting on "helping" feed Momma ice cream - flicking some on the couch. Down to the last bite to be informed "all better now". But needng to "sleep on you" and have "more cuddles". Did we mention "Phineas and Ferb" came on and Meg declared it "Daddy's show"... as it should be for all 32 year olds on the Disney channel :)
Then to the bathtub, mostly to rid the skin of the bandaid Meg was crying about hurting (as she tried repetitively to pull of) needing instead to have a "pwincess" and "sleeping beauty" bandaid. Run the bath, Bubba bouncing while waiting, Meg wanting "more" water.... fussy. Coop 5 shots; Meg one. The one was whining. "Bubba two bandaids, I have one"... working on our math of course. Still talking about the bandaids. "God will make your booboo better..." "Jesus make it better?" - so proud that she puts Jesus and God together... didn't know we had made that connection yet.
Ready to get out of the bath but need to "lay back" to get our hair washed, wanting Mommy's head under her head for hair washing - guess it would be too deep otherwise? "Bubba first" - amazing how quickly we want to get out for bandaid but not if we could otherwise stay in for the excitement of pulling the stopper. But now we have realized we need ice for our booboo... Out of the tub... Two naked babies. Coop tryin to start running in a funny little teetering way. "Look at my big belly!" pushing out the Meg belly... off to the living room to show Daddy the big belly.
But then we need ice for the leg... and have to sit on the couch to hold it... until it falls on the floor and Tobey eats it... But now we have to get another one so Mommy "hold it... cause Tobey get it"... until it falls and all drama ensues to get it before Tobey... Until we have the convincingly cooler Little Mermaid bandaid (how do these "pwincess"es take over all little girls??). Did I mention all of this with a still naked Meghan? :)
All this time one mostly naked little one year old walking/tottering running around with his broom entertaining himself...
Until Meg noices that there is singing occurring on Glee on TV. Stopping and listening until we get to a song by Daddy's favorite band "You are the only only exception"... Daddy laying on the couch, Meg propped up sitting on the couch who has decided to start singing along with Daddy to this song she doesnt' know. "OOOO" howling with high pitches, singing "you are sunshine, you are my sunshine" - so adorable we are giggling at her.
Now off to bed - Meg of course requesting Mommy "carry her" until Daddy offers a horsy ride - as you two do up the stairs, holding on to Daddy's back while Mommy watches nervously, following shortly after Coop refuses to drink any further milk. To upstairs to find Meg and Daddy brushing Meg's teeth - her "mmmm" to her fake electric toothbrush, making sure to "turn it off" before putting it up; balancing precariously on the edge of the sink trying to spit out her "swish" - to be ignored and say "trying to spit" to Daddy, spit pouring out of her mouth :) . "White baby on the couch" - surprise! Mommy brought her upstairs...
Off to bed, skipping her books due to the hour but prayer time with Daddy; Mommy trying to put the fussy Cooper to rocking in the chair... Way to squirmy down to the floor, running around not at all tired. In comes Daddy to wach, decide to let him play a litle while - did take a late nap afterall... Find the pushy thing, hit it with one or two hands rapidly when passes it. Putting little toys he finds in the cabinet, slamming the door as much as possible, sometimes on Maggies head. Back to flip the rattle on the pushy thing. Oh there's Daddy, I'm gonna crawl on him just cause I can. Fall back again between his leg. Find the Rockets noise making toy; so proud when figuring out how to make the most noise. Go wave it all over and show Daddy. Puppies barking at the noise - amazingly Meg sleeping through this. Coops tries to prop up and sit on Daddy. Back to between his legs. Pulling the books out and trying to open them up. Mommy and Daddy just looking on lovingly at how adorable their little pudgy baby is, the onesie stretched way to tight, belly leading the way; little curls at the back of the neck. Sitting next to Daddy - if only Maggie would get out of the way - trying to operate the book; need to scoot coser, readjust, need to scoot closer, point to the book to show Daddy something. Daddy's trying to stand up! Hard to scoot closer... Bedtime Bubba... Time to cry himself to sleep.
And thus ends the routine... most nights aren't as fun as this and full of delighting at our children! We'll see how tonight goes. Meg won't stay in bed and sneaks in to sleep in the floor...
I've been thinking about all the scriptures about God delighting in use, us delighting in him... Does he just sit back and watch us and giggle at how cute we are? Deep....