Sunday, January 9, 2011

Give Thanks...

We wore our new swishy dress to church in WF. Went to class like a big girl and was friendly to all mom's important people... Since church at home is full of them! Big girl didn't want to wear a coat to cover up her pretty dress until she went outside to try to take a picture with Memma's Santa... not waiting around for pictures.
Memma had planned a craft activity - made a door hangar and so proud of ourselves.
Coop coloring - a new interest
Mommy and her little man
Cuddling with Memma in front of the fire
Silly Aunt Lacey - reading books
Discovering the new hand-me-down car from cousin Hailey! Which now is in our garage... both kids very excited about it. Even if it isn't driving... but it does make lots of noise with the radio and buttons.

We went to eat lunch with Nin and Lacey on Saturday - a burger and ice cream... Nin was very willing to share

Helping Memma put up her Christmas tree

Our for a drive!
with giggles from everyone involved
Leftovers with family
And hairdressing with Hailey and Harla
Playing the piano and singing songs with Great Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Lloyd
Don't forget the blow up balls brought over for play time!
A good time was had by all... even better since it didn't involved a day here and there with way too much driving in between. We missed those we didnt' get to see but enjoyed the time with them even more for the same reason!

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