Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodnight, Cooper

And thus is the evening of a 15 month little boy. In less than two hours...

Daddy picks me up at daycare, and Mommy gets home from Sam's to find me and Sissy standing at the fridge watching Daddy fill our cups. But Mommy left the garage door open - so out I go into the cold garage with my "bubbes" (bubbles) which I have been carrying around for 3 days - "bubbles?" as in "let's go blow them!". So into the garage where I squeeze my way into Sissy's new car to turn on the radio and listen. To ignore Mommy and Meg as she goes back into the garage. To be carried back in on only to run right back out, scooting around to the other side of the car to get away from silly Mommy. Reach to turn on the radio as she pulls me out. Still holding the bubbles!
Go back inside through the laundry room to point to the cleaning supplies to request the "buh-sh" (dust brush). To be ignored as Mommy so often does - I like to get it and wave it on people and in their faces though!
To the table to start fusy as Daddy is taking too long to get the frozen pizza out of the oven. And I'm starving like always! And he put my milk up on the table instead of giving it to me! Oh, but wait, Mommy left the drawer open when she got out the Ziploc bags. So I'm going to start dragging those out - oh, now Daddy is taking me to my chair to get me out of the way and giving me my milk to hush me up. Silly, Daddy. He has to take the mini-muffin tin off the table where I put it earlier when he wasn't looking, getting it out of that drawer with the bags!
I do love pizza. And I picked the cherry out of the fruit cocktail to eat it first. Suprisingly, I didn't fuss for more like usual. And didn't request the parmesean cheese. No "more" tonight. No cute little hand gestures- I think I'm done! Need to go play!
Mommy washes me up in the sink - I do love when she rubs my face in the water and I get to make my lips go "bbbbb". Makes me laugh.
I want my "buh-bas". Found them again even though Daddy put them up in the cabinet. ha! I want to keep walking around with them. But that wagon looks fun to try to stand on to pu my bubbles on the table - mean Mommy said no, that's dangerous. But I think I'm going to try to do it again in a little while.
Why is my sissy sitting with Mommy in the chair in the living room. Well I want to sit up there too. With my bubbles. I'm going to climb on this foot stool and lean way too far to try to get up; Mommy had to pull me. No, I'm down. Nope, want back up. Poor Daddy. No one wants to sit with Daddy. I want back up - no, I need to reach my bubbles. Don't put them on the table.
I'm down! I'm going to try to get those toys out of the table. No. Going up stairs. With the bubbles. Look at me! I'm halfway up - I'm going to hold on to the rails and look and make noise until someone looks at me. Nope - going down. I think I'll try to go down sideways - see how nervous Mommy gets. Nope I'm going up. Going back down. Mommy's getting up! Tobey went up stairs so I'm going to follow him. Grab the phone off the charger and put it on the table upstairs....
Giggle running down the hall in the darkness. With the bubbles. Mommy is coming. I don't care if it's dark! Still running and giggling between rooms.
Toothbrush time! Why did she put that toothbrush in the trashcan? I want it out. Why did she take it away? (Cry) Yea! She gave me the new toothbrush! I want to get in that bathtub. Off I go down the hall to attack Daddy's beanbag! Grab the plastic bread on the way. Mommy got me! I let her finish brushing my teeth without fussing this time!
Back down the hallway to the beanbag! (Meghan sitting on the potty giggling "excuse me. I pooted in the potty!)
Memma put the silly blowup car in my room. I'm so glad that crazy Aunt Sam got it for me even though Mommy thinks it's horrible. What are these balls doing in here? I like them better all over the floor. NO, I don't want my diaper change. Run down the hall to the beanbag with the "ball".
Man, she got me again! Diaper change isn't going to be easy, lady. I'm rolling! Yea! Standing up - I'm going to grab the drawer and pull it on the way out. Ha! You pull me away so I'm going to grab the cabinet. Ha! Pull up the jammies - pull the drawer again!
Go back to the car. No. Back to the drawer while Mommy sits in the floor. Bring her the monkey book, open it, growl at the page cause that's the only noise animals make. Meghan took her clothes to my hamper and I saw! That tiger's mouth opens - I'm going to go look at it! Take out the clothes - put them in. Back to the sock drawer - take them out throw them on the floor. Mommy hold out your hand! Grunt! Thank you for taking it from me. Back on the floor, put the socks in, take them out.
Run past Mommy and Meghan reading "dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum" to go hide in the closet and giggle ("they have five fingers like me!"). Shut the door. Over to the other side. Run past again to the car. Throw all 20 balls on the floor. Then to the book basket. Get my favorite word book off the table. Put other books back in the basket. Sit down in front of Mommy and read it. Open to the animals and growl at them. Go take other books out of the basket. Run down the hall!
Mommy found me downstairs after she put Sissy to bed. Grin up adoringly at Mommy. She thinks I'm adorable I know it! Ha! I'm going to use this rolling car to stand on to get to the table again! Run away from Mommy. Kiss to Daddy....
I'm kinda tired. Only going to fuss minimally going up the stairs. Don't put me in this bed! I'm going to sit up. Okay, I'll lay down. You did turn on my music after all.
Goodnight, Mommy!

Note: the bubbles got put up away from sight of Mr. Cooper. This is going to turn out messy.

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