Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Won't Bite!

Old blog draft found 06/12 from 08/2010 and never published...

We had a resurgence of biting at daycare. Threatened eviction one week was stopped with spankings and lecturing; the next week, however, we got a little more aggressive. We've been biting for absolutely no reason. Teacher gives direction, we don't like it, and we go to the next kid and take a chunk out of the kids shoulder. Not to mention trying to bite the teacher. The result, next day we bite again - kicked out for two days. Spent these days stuck in our room entertaining ourselves. The second morning Daddy took Bubba to school, but Meghan had to stay in the car. "Go to school, Daddy. I won't bite!". A mantra Meghan has repeated multiple times since then.
The dialogue:
Who's the boss at home?
Momma. And Daddy.
Who is the boss at school?
No, try again.
Miss Carmen is the boss at school. And Miss Iris. And Miss Martha.
Who is the boss at school?
Dunno.... (this goes for a while)
Who is the boss at school?
Miss Carmen and teachers.
What do we say when they tell us to do something?
Try again.
We say "Yes Ma'am". What do we say?
Yes, Ma'am.

Lets just say we've had lots of conversations about bosses, biting, how we treat our friends, how much we like to play with our friends... Not to mention talking about how sad Mommy and Daddy are when Meghan is ugly. Mommy got home day one: "Do you know how is sad about Meghan being ugly?" "Daddy and Jesus. I want to give Daddy a hug." --- How can you argue with that? :)
We're working on it!

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