At six months, I have two teeth and I love to eat. Still mostly eating baby foods but starting with picking up and eating. Still nursing but I sure test my mommy's patience as I roll all over the place distracted.
I'm still so happy. 95% of the time. And of that remainder, 4.5% I'm very easily made happy. I don't cry with a dirty diaper or not really even to let you know I'm a little hungry. Still waking up at night most of the time about 3:00 pretending to be hungry - and I have my mommy trained so I get to have a snack and go right back to sleep. She's even such a sucker that I'm only just now thinking about sleeping out of her bedroom... the playpen got moved to the dining room cause Mommy doesn't want to go upstairs and get me in the middle of the night. But I have her trained really well because most of the time I just get to lay next to her and go back to sleep. Daddy gets a little frustrated, but Mommy tells me he's a guy so it doesn't matter - seems guys sleep through all kinds of baby related noises and don't even know they happened!
I've gotten a little pudgier. Still only 6th percentile of weight at my 6 month appt (which I didn't go to until 7 mos), but you sure wouldn't know it from my food intake. We just blame Daddy's side of the family. I do have some cute little fat rolls though... just not that many. And I'm holding on to a little dimple every once in awhile.
Daddy's smitten with me - I think it helps that I look like him. He's glad he finally won in the gene pool.
I'm rolling and starting to move all over the floor. Still a little early to officially call it crawling, but I'm been inchworming for a couple of weeks now. Throw me on the floor with some little toys, and I'm a happy girl.
I'm trying to talk back to all these people - saying mamamama but I think that's about all. Mommy in her heart likes to think I'm talking to her... ha! Just a noise a like to make. I'm a tricker - as my big brother would say "being tricky" and all.
Can you see my little bottom two tooth buds pushing through... just little nubbins but they count. Mommy thought that would be the end of the nursing, but we're just a good little team, there hasn't been any problems!
I'm not very picky when it comes to toys - good things my brother and sister leave theirs all over the floor all the time. They still like to hold me, but, sadly, I've lost my sense of newness and they don't fight over me as much as they used to. Still so sweet but I'm just part of the group now.
Pics from October 2012 - Six months old sweet girl
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