Thursday, September 6, 2007

Moon Us!

Halfway through pregnancy, and we got to see our little one again yesterday. This time she had goods to show - or not show. The tech said they wer 90% certain of the girl-ness. Which means, in my negative mind, a 10% chance that we buy girl stuff, wash it and cut off tags, and then have to leave it in the closet when a little boy comes. :) But for now, we'll choose to trust. You would think as a medical person, I would have a little more confidence.

So even though Greg insisted we were having a boy, he says he couldn't be happier. I believe he was already worrying about her future wedding. Trying to focus that worry to the now to plan for nursery colors not wedding colors. On all the other categories checked during the one hour ultrasound, all was normal and measurements were good for our expected size. Amazing though that even with all the normal tests we keep getting back, this worry-wart keeps finding things to worry about. We saw little hands and feet and brain and aorta and heart and bones and tummy and all was perfect.
In the pic you can see her hand hanging out in front of her face. Had to keep going back cause she wouldn't move the darn thing. It was the same in the first picture - told Greg it looked like we had an arm growing out of her face... Let's hope she's just shy :) Although she did keep waving it at us!

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