Monday, February 4, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

Sorry it has taken so long! I've been fighting with the blog on uploading pics... Promise better!
These are from our first week home. Greg has been able to stay home with us and hopefully will be here for awhile - he brought home stuff from work and can log onto his system at work from home. So plenty of time to play daddy and cuddle and talk to and help mommy. He's been very good at getting up in the night when she's fussy and I'm exhausted. And more than willing to take work breaks when needed to let me nap or get things accomplished. Sunday morning before church I came in and found them cuddled on the bed with him serenading her to the radio songs - maybe she'll have the crazy family trait of knowing every lyric to every song ever written - Greg's definitely trying to get her started off early!

Greg really has been awesome, and it's been wonderful to watch them together... I truly feel blessed to have such a willing and involved husband... has made it so much easier...

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