First truly sick weekend... started with lots of dirty poopy diapers... then vomiting... let's just say that Mommy took three showers yesterday and only one was scripted. And our couch will never be the same - but I needed a new one anyways, right? :) And fussy baby so wants to be happy she can't stand it. Tears flowing down cheeks while smiling and looking at us wanting to be picked up so badly. Sickness does make her cuddly-er so that's a hidden bonus. No puke today so hopefully we're getting better - still fussy though poor baby. Possible just a belly bug? But still wondering if it wasn't the applesauce that should have been thrown away instead of eating. Surely the book was kidding when it suggested throwing away opened jars after 2-3 days... that would be wasteful, right? And I didn't realize it had been a week and a half until the damage had been done. Was just reading my new book about how baby allergies may show up in subtle ways including runny nose and such (which we have) - and the more obvious poopy pukey ways...
And our household is now a 2 guitar household - at Sam's today they had the new Aersosmith game with the guitar - which gives us the other guitar we've wanted so I can play too.... and hopefully, some Aerosmith songs I know..... Not! So far stuff I don't know... I do blame my parents for my absense of song knowledge - although nothing could rival that of the Baggetts.
For my baby owners who secretly stalk :) Get a Sam's card! I think I figured out that the price of the card paid for itself with the money saved on just two packs of diapers... especially when the price of formula is figured out. All those crazy people who buy name brand formula.... I laugh at them :) .
Work is going pretty well. I really do love my job. Greg and I are both so blessed that we have managed to find our little niches and perfect places to work. Really the ideal places for people still trying to figure out this whole baby and work thing. We have yet to have to take the day off for sick baby - and, hopefully, it won't happen this week - but, Greg's work will be okay to do that.... As far as we know! I sure won't be able to take the time off and leave all my scheduled patients to be shoved on to someone else's schedule.
I've had several repeat patients which is always fun to see. Or frustrating :)
The patient who came in with a severely distended abdomen (think ascites) who I ran labs on, diagnosed with Hep B and C, probable liver failure, sent him to the ER where he was admitted and had 3 liters drained off his belly, didn't take his med when discharged, had mental changes and passed out (hepatic encephalopathy), and came back to see me after the 2nd overnight hospital admission. He thanked me.... big guy really did have tears in his eyes.
The several well women exams when my brain translated "Do you have any concern about sexual diseases?" to "Deseos sexuales" --- laugh it up people... That is one of those words you can't just make Spanish - I made STD a question to a little old lady about "sexual desire" :) And I've caught myself several times doing it!
And my patient today... 28 year old with a little baby, had on her Aggie ring of power, concerned about a painful red area on her breast for a month. I'm praying it really is just cellulitis or something cause I'm worried about inflammatory breast cancer - look it up. 25-50% survival rate in 5 years - don't even classify it as less than stage III or IV because it's so aggressive. 28! And cute with red hair... Daddy just died. Lost her job to help Mom who is now sick too. Baby at home... (for my PA friends - inverted nipple is not a good sign; for you others, forgive my N word and go check your boobies!)
So many diabetics and hypertensives and people with no concern for their health at all.
People who thank you for taking care of them... People who demand it like it's their right. People who would wait all day long without complaint knowing you are there for them.... People with mild colds who can't wait an hour without throwing a fit. People who get angry you won't give them pain meds (many of them) and people who understand. Little Hispanic ladies who kiss you on the cheek when you're finished. Who yell after you "Dios le bendiga" (God bless you) or "Have a blessed day". And the never-ending "You sure are young to be a doctor" "Are you going to be a doctor someday?" "So I waited all day and don't even get to see a doctor?".
And for you to smile - the young girl I diagnosed with freckles... seriously people :)
To my father, whose genetics just keep on giving, I do believe the eyelid spasm is one you can have back!!! And I'm told my bro has the same seemingly innocuous disease. Driving me crazy. You know it's bad when your patients bring it up. I'm like the crazy PA... "Who did you see a your last appointment?" "The one with the twitch." Ug - I'm going to start calling it blepharospasm - sounds impressive, right?