Where has the time gone? Mommy started her job this last week and left you full time at day care. I am a bit jealous as it turns out - not only that those ladies get to spend so much time with you and I don't - but also that you don't seem to care! When I come to pick you up, half the time you look up and see me, only to go back to what you were doing... or to keep cuddling with them! And then I have to pry you out of their arms cause they like you so much too - you are their baby... Granted, I'm sure I'll wish back for these times when you scream to be left --- but for right now, you have absolutely no problem going to anyone and everyone... and enjoying it. Maybe these two introverts managed to make an extrovert after all.
And Mommy managed to give you your first snotty nose. Mommy and Daddy got sick - Mommy the worst - and your congestion wasn't far behind. Our first experience with that little snot sucker bulb thingy and you aren't buying it. Makes it hard for you to eat... doesn't stop you though. You eat all the time. At night, if you fuss and we don't offer you a bottle, you get even fussier until we give in... think you're going to start getting water at night... maybe even starting some cereal next weekend after the pediatrician clears it at your appointment this week! Messes here we come!
You are playing well by yourself for the most part - until you need a little reassurance that we haven't deserted you that is. And so close to sitting up on your own! You play by yourself in your playpen - enjoy running your fingers down the net walls - you like the texture... You like to stare at pretty fabrics and textures as a whole actually... my PJ pants, the couch cushions, the cloth napkins. We've had to start using a bigger blanket for you to play on since you roll all over the floor these days - you manage to get off the big one of course, but at least it takes a little longer. Still liking your little activity center chair - sometimes. And you think the puppies are around for your entertainment. You have reached out for them more than once so you can pull on their fur - they are pretty tolerant. Tobey's warming up to you more and more although he makes Mommy kinda nervous since he always looks like he's going to roll over on top of you.
You are a happy baby, and we are so thankful for that. How many parents would even think of sitting with their kid through church? Not that you usually make it all the way - but we didn't want to take you this morning so you could infect the other cute little babies... I do believe you reached out for me and wanted away from Daddy during church. We'll see if it happens again to verify - but until then, I will feel special.
Hands are a skill you have down! And even like to use them to play with your chubby little feet. Like to touch faces, pull everything to your mouth, and try to pull plates off the table! You even held up your bottle all by yourself the other night when Daddy took Mommy to have some Chinese food...big girl!
And you're a blabberer... Still working on consistent giggles... but your big everpresent smile tells it all.
Sleeping is not consistent. You sleep better at night after a full day of day care wearing you out and only wake up once... but never difficult to put back to sleep. If you do wake up, you entertain yourself well in your crib until you go back to sleep - after we give in and give you a bottle of course. Hopefully, this will change since Mommy is working these days... Although Daddy has become a good night-time helper... and took good care of you while Mommy was cooped up in bed this weekend.
You're still pretty cute kid - and I know we're gonna give you a big head! If only you're hair could be tamed... but you just don't look like your fun little self with your hair slacked down... A lady actually came up behind us in Sam's last weekend to tell us how beautiful you were - that she "got to stand behind us in line" and look at you... See we aren't too biased? Daddy does say you look more like him all the time though... One of my school friends said recently that I really had nothing to do with you, only the incubator, since you look so much like your Daddy!
We love you, Meghan! Can't believe it's already been 19 weeks... and at the same time can't remember life before you...
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