Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm so Vain!

So knowing me, you probably wouldn't think that right? Vanity is for people who care enough to put on makeup, dry their hair, wear real clothes, and actually look like the 26 year old they are. But alas, as I suffer through post-op day 2 of root canal completion, I'm still worried about the tooth. I thought it got over it initially when the dentist told me I wouldn't have a silver tooth unless I wanted one like downtown H-town people might. I didn't even need a crown so it's just like a deep filling. Original tooth in tact and all. But then it starts occuring to me that it might still turn gray? Anyone know the answer to this? I looked online and all they talk about are crowns and not what actually happens when they take out the nerves and leave the tooth.
How ridiculous is all this?!!!
Did I mention that several weeks ago I was actually sitting on the couch - pretty sure Greg saw and laughed - and I started crying about this stupid tooth and how I would forever look different. God help us all if anything traumatic actually happened! If I had to have a leg amputated or was burned in a fire or something - ya'll might just have to Kevorikian me right there... Although, I must admit the pregnancy attention hasn't been that horrible but people think pregnant people are cute - not "oh the poor burned woman"...
Sad story about my lack of people skills.... The woman behind me in the HEB the other day didn't have arms - looked like she was born that way. She was pushing the cart with her belly, putting her foot in the basket to take her stuff out. So here I am with a conundrum - you know the awkward line between where you don't want to treat them differently so don't stare but don't wanna be different so don't avert. Does she want help? Does she not want the attention and wants to be independent? I wanted to help but didn't know how... And then the woman behind me started helping her and then I felt about an inch tall! I admire the woman... granted she has never known differently but if I lost my arms say tomorrow or something I think I would become a total hermit and you would 1) not have my blog cause no fingers and 2) would be so embarassed I would never leave my house!
Anyways, back to the tooth, one of the lessons I learned on rotations (silly I know) was how important appearance isn't. All my Mexico and border travels - these people are happy! They may have two teeth in their mouth but they smile and laugh and show off those two teeth. They may be wearing holey, stained shirts, one of two outfits they actually own, but that doesn't keep them from being proud of those two shirts... They aren't so caught up in the "what will people think" mentality - cause in the end, it doesn't matter! One of the many lessons us snobby white people have so much to learn from our neighbors down south and just down the street...
Suzi Orman (groan away) was on Oprah and one of her spending principles was not to buy it if it isn't "honest" - so I've been trying to do that. If it is being bought for the sheer pleasure of impressing someone or trying to make them like you, you shouldn't buy it. Be honest with yourself and who you are - the others don't matter. We'll see how long that lasts when I want everyone to tell me how cute my little girl is! :)

PS: This is what happens when Bobbie is supposed to be learning about the liver today - procrastination! So I'll go ahead and study, pass that test, and become a PA... So people can tell me how brilliant I am and further boost my stupid ego... UG!
PPS: Does eating chocolate chips and not caring about my butt growth kinda negate any vanity or just promote my laziness instead?! :)


Allison Horner said...

Thanks for this post & perspective. I've been acting like one of those vain, snobby white people worrying too much about insignificant vain things this week. Reading your post reminded me of the perspective I should have. Thanks!

I hope your toofa gets better soon!!!!!

Allison Horner said...

Tag! You're it! See my blog for today's (Wednesday) entry when it is posted.